Brian Lavelle | musician & writer

'One thin cry / Between wavecrash and circling wolves of wind'

I'm a Scottish writer, poet and musician, born in Glasgow in 1972. I’ve lived in Edinburgh since 1995 and am very fond of cats.

My email is on the contact page. You can also find me on Mastodon and Instagram.

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I’ve been involved in improvised and experimental music since around 1990, and my work has involved acoustic and electric instruments, electronics, field recordings and other things which seemed fitting at the time.

The practice of improvisation is important to me. Since early 2023, I've found my way back to the electric guitar, an instrument with which I've had a relationship for nearly 40 years; more and more I feel my focus now is on free improvisation and its possibilities.

I'm always interested in opportunities for playing and recording with other improvising musicians. Please do get in touch if you're similarly inclined.

I've worked with a number of other people over the last 30 years, including:


I've had poems published in aswirl, whiptail: journal of the single-line poem and Password: journal of very short poetry.

You can read the posts on this site here.

I’m half of Blind Roads Press with writer and walker Murdo Eason and half of Seacliff Press with author and poet Mark Valentine. You can see what we've produced on the Publications page.

The lines at the head of this page ('One thin cry...') are from The Wreck of the Archangel by Orcadian poet George Mackay Brown which can be found in his collection of the same name (London: John Murray, 1989).